In the Bible it talks about head coverings, well most people consider that to mean a womens hair is her covering, it also says that it is wrong for men to have long hair, but through time hair styles have changed, what used to be considered short is now long with the pixie cuts and all, so...
How long is long hair?
Generally, yes, the best interpretation I've seen of Paul's comments [when he discusses head coverings] is that he was referring to her hair and not some article of clothing.
As far as length goes, men have generally always had shorter hair than women -- even when the length was increased for both.
It was not necessarily wrong for a man to have long hair -- the Nazarites (men especially dedicated to God, I think Samson and John the Baptist both took the Nazarite oath) did not cut their hair, did not eat certain food, etc., as a sign of their dedication and were considered especially holy and set apart.
In general, the Bible tries to draw a clear line between the two genders, their strengths/weaknesses, and how they best interact with each other. It assumes differences were inherent at the moment of creation.
(And nowadays science shows that there are some basic brain-wiring differences between men and women. It's not a new concept.)
Thus, no matter what the culture happens to be at the time, the Bible seems to advocate simply that you should be able to visually distinguish men from women. I know men with longish hair who look like men, regardless, and so I don't think it's an issue... and there are women with shorter hair who still look like women, not men.
The length of hair, then, seems somewhat less important than the overall appearance.
How long is long hair?
The longer the better...for men and women! Love those locks!
How long is long hair?
My hair is pretty short. If Jesus had long hair like he is often shown to have in modern day art, then he was a sinner!
How long is long hair?
If it hangs off your head then it's long. To be honest I don't know why women have long hair but I think they look better than a shaved head.
How long is long hair?
if its wrong to have long hair then Jesus violated that:)
How long is long hair?
Where does it say it is wrong for men have long hair?
How long is long hair?
1Cor 11: 14Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? (KJV)
individually for a man, long hair would be what you consider not to be masculine anymore, if you were to see a women with that same hair length would you call it a "boy cut". If not, your hair is too long. I understand some men prefer a little lenght in their hair, but it all has to be done accordingly and with honor. working in a professional corporate environment will probably not allow certain hair lengths.
As far as the hair covering for women, that is a tough issue. Many people do not consider wearing a head covering, not sure why not. Most churches consider their hair to be their covering, but that is just our natural hair covering and the veil would be the spiritual head covering for praying like it is explained in the first letter to the Corinthians.
But like i said that is a though a touchy issue.
OH yeah, Jesus was not a Nazarite!
Since it is generally believed that a Nazarite has to let his hair grow long, and since Jesus was from Nazareth, there are many who mistakenly identify Him as a Nazarite. There is no such Scriptural evidence. Jesus was a "Nazarene" because He was from Nazareth, but He was not a "Nazarite," and He did not take the Nazarite vow. A Nazarite could not eat grapes or drink grape juice or eat anything made of the vine.
How long is long hair?
Hair has no relevance. We do not live in the Bible times and the length of your hair does not mean anything one way or another. Why try to make things more difficult than they already are. Besides, in Bible times head coverings was not their hair- it was a cloth that they all wore over their heads. It is exactly what it says- head coverings.
How long is long hair?
To be "SHORN" means to cut your hair...even trim.
To be "SHAVEN" means to have your head shaved clean or nearly clean of all hair.
You are correct though, Apostle Paul made it very clear...HAIR IS A COVERING.
And he said a woman's long hair is HER GLORY. But if it's a shame to have her head uncovered (shorn or shaven), then HER GLORY is to not cut her hair.
This is part the Nazarite Vow. It shows her obedience to the Word, to her husband and to the sanctity of her marriage vows.
Paul also said it's a shame for a woman to speak in the Church...because her dress and actions are a Living Sermon...she does not need to preach with her mouth.
A woman that claims to be a Christian, and yet cuts her hair, wears pants, make-up and such, is being rebellious to these Scriptures.
She is out of her place and is causing a reproach to the Gospel.
Nobody can tell the difference between her and a sinner woman.
But the Word of God teaches us that the woman is a type of the True Church (the Bride/Wise Virgins).
Who will you follow?
How long is long hair?
I don't know but it has been said mine looks like holy frog fur
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